Taiwan club scene . . .

The party clubbing scene in Taiwan got a nod from the folks at fucktory with a video post from Seduce . . . Party Time! Made in TAIWAN! . . .

They snarfed this 2006 promotional video of Seduce from youtube’s desireless who has gathered a number of similar clips from club promotions.

Bikini Night at Seduce . . .

Or some Xaga promotionals, that are shorter. Notice that in most of these Taiwanese clubbing promotionals, there is a LOT of crowd dancing but the images tend to be of women (duh) who are dancing . . . but notice they are very rarely ever dancing with guys. It seems that they come into the club in large groups of women and then dance as groups of women with very little male-female dancing going on . . .

Xaga One . . .

Xaga Two . . .

Xaga Three . . .

Is this typical or are they just shooting the babe-on-babe action for the videos? Curious onlookers would like to know.

The videos do tell me that the way to get a nightlife crowd seems to be to offer discount entry to girls in bikinis . . . the guys will pay full price just for that while the girls evidently prefer to go out in bikinis when it comes to clubbing . . . in a country where you hardly ever see actual bikinis on a beach or at a pool. Go figure. Now, how do I package a Bikini Hypnosis Night? Just doesn’t seem to fit . . . I’ll have to give it some thought and perhaps watch another one hundred hours of video for research purposes, yeah, that’s the ticket.

All the best,