HypnoDriving . . . learners get help to pass exam

A driving school has enlisted the aid of a hypnotherapist to help nervous learners pass their driving exam . . . L-Test Hypno Help . . .

A DRIVING school has become the first in the country to offer hypnotherapy to help nervous learners pass their tests. Annie Brookes, 28, is the first client to use the service on the 5 Day driving school courses in Norwich, Norfolk. Teacher Annie has failed six times in 11 years but is now “more confident”. Kimberley Mercer, the driving school’s hypnotherapist, revealed: “It is the little voice inside them I speak to and I turn round all those negative thoughts.” Driving school boss Richard Minkler said: “We can teach them everything they need to know but when they go to the test nerves change their characters.”

Helping folks with exam issues is one of the most widely documented areas where hypnosis have been proven to be effective. This is also true of skill improvement issues. It makes perfect sense to employ this highly beneficial tool for this and other testing areas.

All the best,