Technical Virgin? Technically stupid network move . . .
. . . PBS Kids’ Show Host Fired for Video

Can you say "more idiocy and ultraconservative kneejerk bullshit?" The New York Times reports that PBS Kids Sprout has fired Melanie Martinez . . . the reasoning is as sound as a monkey’s diagrams for cold fusion . . . PBS Kids’ Show Host Fired for Video.

Martinez was fired from the preschool program because of two parody videos she made BEFORE being hired for the PBS program. Note that Martinez is the one who gave PBS Kids Sprout the headsup about the parody videos, she TOLD THEM about the videos and wasn’t skulking about hiding things.

Sure, they are silly . . . sure, they are a bit on the adult side . . . but they are parodies of PSAs and while the humor is adult, they do NOT have any nudity and they do NOT in any way besmirch the PBS image.

They are also a bit on the funny side. What sort of videos are they? Take a look at a these two "technical virgin" videos and see . . . as you watch them, remember, a woman was FIRED for making this sort of stuff.

Silly right?

Why was Martinez fired? Because the language is too rough for PBS Kids . . . but they weren’t made for PBS Kids and were never intended for that network and they were made well before she was given her job. If they wanted to penalize her for them, they should have done so earlier by not giving her the job in the first place. It’s their fault if they did not better employees better. Once hired, anything from her past should be off-limits, especially as she did nothing illegal or immoral in making these parody videos.

Why else was Martinex fired? Because "undermine her character’s credibility with our audience" . . . WTF!!!!! Her audience is made of preschoolers. They will never see those videos and the only credibility she needs is to tell a good story . . . which she does. She has plenty of credibility . . . she is a mom herself and a good storyteller . . . she filled the job qualifications fine.


All the best,