Projects From the Mind of Robert E. Howard for Comics

Robert E. Howard is one of my all time favorite authors. I have loved his prose since I was a kid. Sure, I see stuff that is less pulpy today but I still include Howard in my Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror courses that I teach at the university. Michael McDaniel reports that Dark Horse Announces Projects From the Mind of Robert E. Howard . . . more fodder for the comics. Conan has always been the staple for Howard comics and for the literature . . . but there was a lot more to the guy’s life and his writing than just our favorite barbarian. It’s nice to see some new stuff coming. I do note my favorite collection is not there . . . Skull Face . . . one of the Fu Manchu type efforts with a very healthy dollop of Cthulhu stuff in reference to Howard’s friend HP Lovecraft.

Of course, it’s all neither here nor there as there’s probably only one good comic book store that even has a shot of carrying this stuff here in Taipei and it’s just inconvenient to get there nowadays.