Archery . . .

We took Kaye to an archery place in Taipei to shoot arrows . . . pretty good price NT$150 for an hour . . . much cheaper than shooting at night markets or the horse ranch in Taichung.  We had a good time.  They don’t have any classes right now but we plan on taking Kaye maybe once a week.  She really likes it . . . she’s actually a gifted markswoman with a gun but we don’t know of any shooting galleries here (for those with an interest, Kaye is a natural switch shooter with rifle and bow . . . it was really funny watching her at the night market with the BB rifles as she said her fingers were sore from the archery so she switches to left hand from right sights away . . . no concerns about accuracy as she knew she could shoot just as well either way and she nailed the shots).

After archery we went to Bowow, the pet restraunt . . . Lorraine and Kaye are crazy about it.  One of the dogs there was running around sprinkling piss to mark his scent over things.  Two dogs took dumps.  Lorraine normally is very forgiving but it is a restraunt and she was very uber "if you’re going to take your dog to a place like this in public you should at least train them properly before bringing them" . . . we’ve never seen inconsiderate owners there before . . . the girl at the counter practically had to beg the owners to clean up the poop.  Sheesh.

Of course, we will return . . .

– Brian