Famhouse Hypnosis Show . . .
. . . if you missed it, you missed a wonderful experience!

Last night . . . at midnight . . . we presented my Brian David Phillips Waking Dreams Hypnosis Show at Midnight, Saturday Night, July 1, 2006 . . . at The Farmhouse in Taipei.

For those who came, thank you for your support. It was a wonderful experience . . . a LOT of fun . . . and a great learning experience both for Lorraine and I as well as for rather sizeable group of hypnotists in the audience . . . make every show enjoyable for yourself and the subjects and the audience and make every show a learning experience looking for future shows or presentation . . . we have already begun going over our show notes for our format and set list as well as for the venue (that sort of venue is considered on the difficult side by most, a much more controlled environment is desirable but even a chaotic one can host an enjoyable show). We will particularly make more adjustments to accommodate the pacing effects of interpretation so that the program can run at a fast pace without losing translation.  Lorraine was doing the interpetation and after her previous stints interpreting for me, she really hit me with the pacing points . . . now, we’ll probably change the induction completely to allow it to be done as a dual simultaneous induction in English and Chinese so we can up the pace and get through it more energetically . . . it should be a lot of fun in the new approach.

Folks who attended the show who also took my Introducton to Stage Hypnosis course are welcome to sit down with me and I would be happy to answer and discuss with complete frankness the original set list and how we made modifications on the fly as well as what tweaks we will make for future shows. Most folks in the audience were not aware of the behind-the-scenes changes regarding music cues or setups and why the changes were made but I would be happy to discuss them with my students.

It really was a lot of fun . . . of the folks I kept, five were very good subjects for the venue. Of the nineteen volunteers, I only personally knew one so that was very nice indeed.

In any case, it was history in the making . . . as far as we are aware, it was the first "club" type public hypnosis show performance for Taipei (perhaps Taiwan) . . . at least for the past twenty years (there have been a few educational demonstrations as well as at least two imported hypnotists for theatre and television but no actual club style acts until now. It looks like things are shaping up for more as well.

It was a good crowd and it was a lot of fun.

There are a few photos here although I have not had a chance to process the video for capture images yet . . . that will be some time.  The image above is of me standing outside the club next to one of the giant posters for the show . . . before I changed and got into performance frame.

For updates on my hypnosis shows, just check the appropriate Life of Brian category of Entertainment and Performance Hypnosis or check the schedule under "Hypnosis Show" on my webpages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com where there is also contact information for booking shows and events. Do note that the breaking news more often than not gets posted to Life of Brian first.

All the best,

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [phillips@nccu.edu.tw]Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan