hypnotism aids allergy sufferers

Science Daily reports on a study that shows hypnotism aids allergy sufferers through the use of a simple guided imagery where the person with the allergy simply . . . breathes in . . . breathes out . . . relaxes and thinks of a place that is free of allergins . . . or, something to that effect:

Swiss researchers say people can reduce their allergy symptoms by up to one-third just by thinking about a place that is free of allergens. The researchers at University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, based their conclusions on 40 people they recruited and trained to hypnotize themselves for two years. The researchers said the group showed one-third fewer symptoms while using hypnosis, a conclusion based on self-analysis and congestion tests.

Now . . . the study is not conclusive as it may have been influenced by the participants’ belief that hypnosis and guided imagery and other sorts of focused trance work (a good belief) and it needs to be replicated with more people but preliminary findings are very very good.

Now, run some actual hypnotic processes and establish real hypnotic states and you’ll be go for the gold.