Doom . . . movie to have FPS sequence

The Doom movie is sounding kooler and kooler. It will have an FPS sequence in addition to a lot of nasty aliens and whatnot to blow away.

While a year ago, I was not enthusiastic about the idea of seeing The Rock in the film, I am now much more impressed with the guy’s acting ability. Honestly, when he first started doing movies, I thought he was just some big muscled bone headed fucking idiot wrestler . . . not unlike a lot of the other big muscle action heroes who can’t act or speak.

However, recently we watched a few DVDs with him in ’em and have a lot more respect for the guy. If you have any doubt that The Rock is an actor, see his performance in Be Cool . . . the guy has some potential and is secure in himself enough to play a bit against the grain.

Of course, Doom will put him back into character but it is going to kick butt . . . at least that’s the buzz for now, we’ll see for certain in October.