Psychodermatologists and Skin Ailments

Natasha Singer presents a very good overview of the work of Psychodermatologists and Skin Ailments in the New York Times.

Nice article, overall . . . but some big time problems with certain elements.

Self-hypnosis or autosuggestion should not take months to learn. Really, come to me and I will teach you how to do it in a single session. Pop, there you go. While many medically or psychologically trained hypnotists only know how to use certain slower progressive relaxation sets, those of us who specialize in rapid and instant inductions know methods that only take a few minutes . . . or even a few seconds . . . . to achieve full-on deep trance phenomena . . . with the proper context . . . this is not difficult to learn. Unfortunately, a lot of folks are still teaching slower less effective methods. I know of one hypnotist in Taipei who blocks three hours for sessions and an hour and a half of that is for the induction alone. This is not necessary. The best sessions are spent in hypnosis not in achieving it.

As to self-hypnosis, there are some very powerful techniques – such as the light switch or similar methods for posthypnotic reinduction that are very reliable. If all a client needs to do is learn self-hypnosis, it is a very simple and very fast thing to do . . . one session for most folks.

Or, if you want to put the work in to learn self-hypnosis or auto-focused-trance . . . go to my webpages at and download the free MP3s for Deep Relaxation Trigger Response Conditioning. They’re very powerful just for that purpose.

However, skin ailments are not just about self-hypnosis. There are other techniques that can be used in conjunction with self-hypnosis that increase the reliability of the process. While self-hypnosis has been proven to be very effective for skin ailments, as pointed out in the article, self-hypnosis plus some very powerful hypnosis techniques gets things going much more effectively.

Not just pimples, but other skin ailments from eczema to hives to rash to warts to whatever. All have proven to be responsive to hypnosis and focused trance modalities.

If you wish to learn self-hypnosis, feel free to contact me and schedule a session. If you are a hypnotist and wish to learn rapid and instant hypnosis methods, take my upcoming Experiential Hypnosis training program as that’s the backbone of the program.

All the best,

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH

Aug. 29 to Sept. 9, 2005 . . . limited seating.