Here we go again . . . flag burning

Karl has some good points on here we go again and freedom isn’t just freedom to do what the government tells us we have to do. While I’ve never really supported flag burning, it is a protected speech act and is used as a form of protest when the government directly violates the principles of freedom it represents . . . like attempting to pass a law that outlaws flag burning. Sure, some flag burners are indeed doofuses, but NOT all of them and even the “retards” (see Karl’s post) have the right to do it as a form of expression. Contrary to the bill supporters’s opinion, most American flag burners are not “Anti-American” they are very much in favor of America, just not the same America abusing power. If they are real criminals then surely there are other laws they are violating and they can be arrested for those activities. If their only crime is an idea, then we shouldn’t be arresting them. Oh, unless we’re going for the whole police state thing.