Of Tribes, Trance, and Creating Memes

Dr. Omed asks What’s your tribe? in an excellent essay on memes, early man, art, fear, and trance states. His points on penis cutting and rites of passage as a way to focus concentration and accept suggestions as well as the phenomenon of Hell Houses is very well taken. These folks may believe they are doing the work of their god, but they’re actually also using mind control or brain washing techniques. Fear brought on by these sorts of events creates a state of hyper-suggestibility. Primal events create neurolinks to phobias, behaviours, what-have-you. It has nothing to do with a conscious choice or free will, it’s simple programming and it’s terribly irresponsible. We don’t live in caves anymore with very primitive ideas of appropriate behavior nor do we condone the control of the church over society as in the dark ages with cathedras filled with horrifying and frightening images of demons and the like nor do we support the use of the icontrains with their grusome tableaus. This is the modern age. Stop lying and taking advantage of folks for your own selfish needs. Of course, a number of folks will look at this material and say “kool” and start using it. It is effective. However, I would strongly suggest folks err on the side of ethics and consent. Basically, there are two very powerful strategies for changing beliefs or behaviors . . . away from and towards . . . one based upon fear and pain or negative outcomes while the other is based upon pleasure and positive outcomes. I prefer the latter rather than the former. I’d rather have a pleasant life of pleasure rather than one of fear and pain. Wouldn’t you?