Prom Parties

Tricia Romano writes in the Village Voice on Fly Life: Prom Date about a new semi craze of prom parties where folks dress up in their new formal wear and head out for an adult bash in the nostaligic trappings of the high school prom.

According to Romano, “Everyone wants to relive high school, just as long as they are better-looking, more popular, and richer than they used to be.”

I disagree. Why would folks want to go back to high school? High school is not sexy. High school is about terriroty and bullies and being confused. College, university, maybe . . . but not high school. Heck, high school isn’t even about sex . . . sexual tension, maybe, but even the jocks weren’t having any sex even though they said they did.

Sometimes nostaligia is a bad thing.

Me . . . I’d rather not go back in time, I’d like to go forward . . . cherish the now and embrace the future.

Silly people.