Self-Hypnosis Effective On Hay Fever Symptoms

Good news for those who suffer from hay fever or similar allergic responses . . . Self-Hypnosis Effective On Hay Fever Symptoms:

group of researchers of the University of Basel, Switzerland, has performed a randomized controlled trial on the use of self-hypnosis (which was likely to induce relaxation) on a hay fever symptoms. Many people suffer from hay fever symptoms. Hypnosis has proved to be a useful adjunct in the treatment of conditions where allergic phenomena have an important role.: Randomised parallel group study over an observation period of two consecutive pollen seasons. Outcome data include nasal flow under hypnosis, pollinosis symptoms from diaries and retrospective assessments, restrictions in well-being and use of anti-allergic medication. We investigated 79 patients with a mean age of 34 years (range 19-54 years; 41 males), with moderate to severe allergic rhinitis to grass or birch pollen of at least 2 years duration and mild allergic asthma. The intervention consisted of teaching self-hypnosis during a mean of 2.4 sessions (SD 1.7; range 2-5 sessions) and continuation of standard anti-allergic pharmacological treatment. Of 79 randomised patients, 66 completed one, and 52 completed two seasons. Retrospective VAS scores yielded significant improvements in year 1 in patients who had learned self-hypnosis: pollinosis symptoms -29.2 (VAS score, range 0-100; SD 25.4; p < 0.001), restriction of well-being -26.2 (VAS score, range 0-100; SD

Just imagine how much more powerful this could be with appropriate deep trance hypnosis sessions as well as the self-hypnosis.

Please keep in mind that hypnosis should only be used with medical issues to supplement a qualified doctor’s care, never to replace it. For issues related to allergies, I am happy to work with folks but only if they have a referral from their physician and an understanding that they are not to discontinue medically supervised treatment without their doctor’s consent or orders. When I work with such issues, it is only to supplement their doctor’s care.

All the best,