I like my Penis . . . I like your Vagina . . .
. . . .why do you hate my penis so?

Christina Hoff Sommers has some very worthwhile observations regarding pot calling the kettle black at The Penis Monologues.

Over 500 universities and colleges have replaced Valentine’s Day with V-Day or Vagina Day with activities and performances to The Vagina Monologues in what is less an empowering activity for women than it is an out and out anti-male, man-bashing, free-for-all.

When one group of students created their own activity or P-Day, it was seen as sexist and disgusting . . . a slogan of “My Penis is Studious” is offensive while an illustrative poster of “my vagina is huggable” is not? The language in the play is incredibly graphic yet doesn’t bother anyone. The only sex scene in the play is the seduction by an older woman of a thirteen year old girl by plying her with vodka and then moving on to sex, drunk sex is hardly consensual . . . had the character been a man seducing the same girl in the same way it would be condemned as statutory rape . . . so what’s the deal?

Yes, women should celebrate their vaginas, vaginas are a very good thing. However, in so doing, let men likewise celebrate their penises . . . or better, yet, why don’t we all celebrate everyone’s vaginas, penises, and the very wonderful things when they find partners with the appropriate sex organs to “do neat stuff with” . . . humans are sexual beings . . . and we should celebrate that . . . but we’re not just our sex organs . . . neither should be condemn others for having sex organs not the same as our own . . . hooray for the diffence.

I say . . . NO MORE V-DAY and NO MORE P-DAY . . . either go back to Valentine’s Day . . . or, better yet . . . let’s have Happy Happy Vagina Penis Get-Together In Whatever Combinations Make You Feel Good Day!

  2 comments for “I like my Penis . . . I like your Vagina . . .
. . . .why do you hate my penis so?