
Power by Kanye West

Power, the new song and music video by Kanye West as conceived and directed by Marco Brambilla is a powerful visual experience, one well worth the looksee. Now, students in the Western Music and Culture course I teach at the university are well aware of my opinion of Kanye’s musical stylings . . . hint,…

Change Blindness Camera Fun

So . . . in previous posts, we explained the basic principles of Change Blindness with some informative yet humorous video examples at and followed that up with some funny twists of employing change blindness phenomena within practical jokes at which turned out wonderfully fun. Well . . . here we go with…

What’s Wrong with Kansas?

I mentioned the documentary What’s the Matter with Kansas? and the Thomas Frank book it is based upon in my brief political rant here. For those with an interest, here is the trailer for the film . . . You can learn more about the documentary on the webpages at which also has a…

Joe Rogan on the American War Machine

Agree or not, it’s up to you . . . or, perhaps pick and choose the bits . . . some of Joe Rogan‘s rants from his podcast edited together for particular effect (see for more). Part One Part Two Resonant with some and dissonant with others. Notice how music and images are used…

Psychological Profile Exam Designed to Drive You Insane

While it may seem like someone’s idea of a completely bonkers psychological experiment intended to drive you insane, the Pierley/Redford Dissociative Affect Diagnostic is an odd ride into the unconscious that is an exploration of your brain’s affective response system. Nonverbal emotional reactions to shape tableaus target the portion of your brain that is intuitive…

Evangelical Orgasms

Faith is a very powerful thing . . . when properly ignited it can lead to incredibly powerful experiences . . . some of them wonderful and some of them the opposite of good times. However, the mystical ecstasy experienced by many can be a very powerful life-changing experience within the appropriate context. It can…

Change Blindness

The phenomenon of Change Blindness is an interesting function of our blinds in that when we are involved in an activity we gloss over particular changes in the environment, particularly when they are unexpected and all other functions of the context are as expected. This is demonstrated via an intriguing experiment in which one experimenter…

Selective Attention

I’ve posted on Selective Attention before but since it’s been awhile and a number of the videos previously referenced are no longer valid, I thought I’d repost a bit to clear out the rubble so to speak. Visual Selective Attention ExperimentBecklen and Cervone (1983) Selective AwarenessDancing Bear Selective AttentionKids Version Brian

Study proves the obvious . . . men are more likely to say yes to sex with a random stranger than women are.

It’s official! Men are more likely to have sex with random strangers than women. There’s an old study done in the United States on sexual attraction that I discuss in my various Seduction Mindtricks 情場高手速成班 seminars and workshops as well as in a few of my university courses on communication. In the study, students (male…

Is McCarthyism Alive and Well? Maybe

Hmmmmmmm. For those who don’t remember who Joseph McCarthy was – and for those who’d like a quick refresher – take a quick look at Now, with McCarthy’s tactics in mind, go read these features on Peter King ( and Brigitte Gabriel ( but while reading mentally replace the word “Islam” with “Communism” and…

Trick Your Brain into Feeling like it’s in LOVE

The good folks at Io9 decided to celebrate the recent Valentine’s Day by providing us with a useful list of TEN WAYS YOU CAN TRICK YOUR BRAIN INTO FEELING LIKE IT’S IN LOVE . . . creepy? Yes. Interesting, more yes. See the full list at!5759511/10-ways-to-trick-your-brain-into-feeling-like-youre-in-love for your neuroloving trickery. – Brian

Hyundai Attempts Mass-Hypnosis for Super Bowl . . . hypnosis in commercials!

It’s Super Bowl time and companies have rolled out their special event campaigns. Hyundai takes a hypnotic approach and attempts some mass hypnosis within their commercials . . . with tongue in cheek but hypnotic operators in full effect. First, we are reminded of our pre-existing hypnotized trance state. HYPNOTIZED We follow up with some…

How to Plant Ideas into Someone’s Mind

Adam Dachis presents a summary of excellent principles of mind manipulation and lays out solid ideas on how to implant ideas into another person’s mind in simple and straightforward manner. Yes, it can be manipulation but it is most certainly influence and these techniques are in use all the time. See the essay at lifehacker…