What’s Wrong with Kansas?

I mentioned the documentary What’s the Matter with Kansas? and the Thomas Frank book it is based upon in my brief political rant here.

For those with an interest, here is the trailer for the film . . .

You can learn more about the documentary on the webpages at http://whatsthematterwithkansas.com which also has a worthwhile blog and more.

You can order Thomas Frank‘s original book What’s the Matter with Kansas? (How Conservatives won the Heart of America) via Amazon for an an excellent exploration of this very phenomenon which has not only surfaced in formerly progressive locations like Kansas but also in the rest of the US (the documentary can be purchased here).

Here’s a bit from author Thomas Frank discussing the documentary inspired by his best-selling book:

For those who are not aware . . . I am a native Kansan . . . while I was born in Denver, my family moved to a small town in Kansas when I was six months old and I went to all of my schooling from pre-school through my first graduate degree there and despite having spent a couple decades abroad, I still consider Kansas my home.

All the best,