Nick Stone has Voodoo Eyes

So, Nick Stone has decided to integrate voodoo and hypnosis into his new book VOODOO EYES.

Yes, the man with the hypnotic voodoo eyes is at it and turning friend and foe into hypnotic voodoo slaves, or something to that effect.

Okay, I admit, the voodoo doll gag is a staple of my stage show and I even teach folks how to do the stare hypnosis induction as well as voodoo hypnosis in my EXOTIC HYPNOSIS INDUCTIONS DVD set ( . . . but . . . consensual hypnosis with playful effects ain’t the same as nonconsensual conspiracy theory hypnosis in fiction.

In any case, check out a promotional review of Voodoo Eyes at

All the best,

DVT30 Exotic Hypnosis Inductions USB Drive
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Price: $150.00