3D Promo for National Stereoscopic Association Convention in Mesa

Every year, the National Stereoscopic Association hosts an amazingly fun convention for 3D photo and video enthusiasts. A number of years ago, Lorraine and I were able to go to one con as we happened to be in the US at the right place and right time.

This year’s convention was in Mesa and the promo video is now online. You can see it in 2D or in your preferred method of 3D viewing at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL_mxzt8T7k.

Sorry, no embeds for this as the youtube 3D controls only work on their site and are disabled for embedded videos (I really wish they would fix the code to allow folks to embed the blasted 3D functions, grrrrr). Just go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rL_mxzt8T7k to view the beast and in the player you can click on the 3D controller and choose the format you prefer to watch it in (regular 2D or a wide variety of 3D options, as I don’t yet have a 3D computer I tend to choose full color anaglyph which employs red-blue glasses, not the best view but it works fine).

You can learn more about and even join the National Stereoscopic Association at their webpages at http://www.stereoview.org.

I’ve been shooting 3D photos and videos for around a two and a half decades and own more 3D film cameras than a human probably should, ranging from models manufactured in the late 19th century to early 21st century . . . since I no longer shoot film at all, they are all sitting gathering a bit of dust but I get ’em out to look at every once in awhile). Like regular photography, the future of stereophotography is digital and I’ve been shooting 3D with digitial cameras for years . . . now using a dedicated Fuji Real 3D W1, the first mass market stereodigitalcamera available and before that I used twin rigs of two cameras lashed together and synced.

Check out my own 3D Stereoview eXchange group at http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/3D-StereoviewXchange. Join us and share your own original 3D photography images with folks from all over the planet.

– Brian