Fun Things to do with a Hypno-Slave . . . voodoo bondage without bonds

What oh what sort of things can one do with a willing consenting adult trance partner who is also interested in a bit of adventure on the less vanilla side of things?

Answer, uh, a LOT . . . the only limitations you have are your imagination!

In this short video, we see some rather playful adaptations of some things that I teach in my Eroticatrance DVD set as well as a number of my live courses on the subject.

First, we see a bit of fractionation, an induction technique to deepen the trance, or, more accurately, intensify the imaginative involvement in the context of the hypnosis session. Then, we see a bit of catalepsy play . . . those familiar with my Core Skills DVD program are familiar with various large muscle group catalepsy suggestibility effects except that here it is presented with a bondage setup.

In my Eroticatrance product, I do the same sort of thing with a man rather than with a woman – slapping him in a cross position against the wall and then hypnotically doing interesting things. As a friend used to say to folks who are into bondage with ropes, “We’re hypnotists, we don’t need ropes to bind people” and it’s very true. If I were heading to a fetish event or appropriate session of this sort, I would not need to carry my ropes and chains and manacles and stocks or any of the rest of that . . . all I need is my voice and the mind of a willing partner. Note emphasis on willing and consent (synonyms so good we use ’em twice).

Next, we see our demonstrational hypnotist here using a barbie doll as a makeshift voodoo doll. I have a number of voodoo dolls for this sort of purpose as well as for my shows. I’ve a voodoo monkey many regular readers are familiar with and an odd blue blobby doll that works really well. I’ve also a collection of other types of moppets and voodoo dolls for my more esoteric collection. As I did not have a doll handy when I taped my Eroticatrance DVD seminar, I used a hotel pillow for the demonstration of this sort of effect and it worked fine.

Let’s see the example, a playfully fun session indeed:

Obviously, both trance partner and hypnotist had a lot of fun with this and obviously they could take the session in a number of directions.

The key is to keep things playful and positive and fun and to build upon experiences to compound effect and positively intensify imaginative involvement.

Those of you interested in distance learning on this and related issues regarding erotic hypnosis can check out our Eroticatrance DVD set at Or, if you wish to have everything you need to go from basic introductory core hypnosis skills through the eroticatrance and advanced ecstatic engineering, then check out the high value special price for our Ultimate Pleasure Hypnosis DVD course package at Seriously, the Ultimate Pleasure Hypnosis package is the highest value you will find for this material.

As regular readers know, I do offer hypnotherapy for individuals or couples who wish to address issues related to sexuality and I’ve taught a number of workshops for couples in Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, the United States, and elsewhere.

If you’re in Hong Kong and would like to join a workshop in August, drop us a line – if we have enough bodies, we’ll set something up. If you’re in Tawan and would like to give it a go, drop me a line as well (since we live here we aren’t bogged down as much by calendars or number of session participants for local sessions as there is much more leeway).

All the best,