Hypnotic Orgasmic Mudra of Sorts

It’s interesting how experiential hypnosis allows one to play with all sorts of concepts and even improve upon some of them.

In this video advert of sorts, we see a young woman responding rather interestingly to an obvious suggestion of intense arousal and a connection with the hand posture of a member of the hypnosis team.

Note that she is fixated in her attention and that the hypnotist has made certain that she is intensely involved within the imaginative content and posture of the hands so that even a slight change in hand position – subtly erotic – creates an intense state of sexual arousal. This hand position becomes an eroticatrance mudra of sorts, or a sacred power position for the hands, an intense pleasure accelerator.

Now, I do offer hypnotherapy for individuals or couples who wish to address issues related to sexuality and I’ve taught a number of workshops for couples in Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, the United States, and elsewhere.

Those of you interested in distance learning on this and related issues regarding erotic hypnosis can check out our Eroticatrance DVD set at http://www.eroticatrance.com. Or, if you wish to have everything you need to go from basic introductory core hypnosis skills through the eroticatrance and advanced ecstatic engineering, then check out the high value special price for our Ultimate Pleasure Hypnosis DVD course package at http://www.eroticatrance.com/package.html. Seriously, the Ultimate Pleasure Hypnosis package is the highest value you will find for this material.

All the best,