HypnoBFF . . . Need a new BFF? Simple, Just Hypnotize Someone

Ever feel like life has passed you by and you just don’t have any really close friends? You know, a BFF . . . best friend forever . . . sort of relationship that everyone else and his brother’s grandmother’s niece’s dog seems to have?

Well, your solution is simple. Just hypnotize a random stranger into becoming your brand new BFF! In fact, give ’em the suggestion so that they think it’s THEIR IDEA to be your new Best Friend! Be sure to tell them just how incredibly honored and proud and wonderful they will feel if you deign to accept them as your BFF.

Perhaps the following video from Rick Stratton will serve as a useful guide.

Okay, for all the wouldbe creepy folks out there, let me point out that the above was written with tongue firmly planted in cheek . . . however, with just a little bit of leeway as while that sort of scenario isn’t going to work on most folks, there are folks for whom that very scenario is a bit of a fantasy and if you’ve got consent then you’re halfway there anyway.

For most of us, this is a really fun stage hypnosis gag for recreational or entertainment purposes and it really is a hoot and a half!

In fact, if you head over to my webpages at http://www.briandavidphillips.com, you will find all sorts or resources for learning how to do this and so very much more. Don’t forget to explore this blog too. 🙂

All the best,