Monthly Archives: March 2011

Teachers and the Future

So a recent study that compared education systems around the world reccommends that the United States do more to increase teacher status, pay, mentoring and more (see for details) while we’re seeing teachers losing status in a number of states. Understatement to say it’s a mess. – Brian

Study proves the obvious . . . men are more likely to say yes to sex with a random stranger than women are.

It’s official! Men are more likely to have sex with random strangers than women. There’s an old study done in the United States on sexual attraction that I discuss in my various Seduction Mindtricks 情場高手速成班 seminars and workshops as well as in a few of my university courses on communication. In the study, students (male…

Tinnitus treatment via Hypnosis

Tinnitus is a condition in which a person hears ringing or other persistent sounds within their ears without outside stimuli. It can be very frustrating for longterm sufferers and even painful. There are few treatments that work well, although hypnosis has been found to help many folks. Timothy Tyler’s procedure is discussed at and…

Train Your Neurons to Ease Pain

Michael Sullivan discusses the relationship of neurons and the experience of pain as well as one possible protocol for re-training neurons to experience pain differently via visualization and suggestion at I use a different protocol but regardless of the approach, suggestion has been shown to be very effective in alleviating the experience of pain…

Goodbye, Ra

Ra Uru Hu has passed. Goodbye, Ra . . . fair journey. The following notice was posted on the Jovian Archive: Some of my dearest friends (Deepak and Ming-yng) are advocates and practitioners of Human Design and I have taken an introductory course with them along with other programs so I have built a bit…

Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami

See for an interactive feature that shows just how devastating the damage from the earthquake and tsunami is . . . move the sliders on the images left and right to see the before and after perspectives from the satellite photos of the areas affected . . . now, as you see all those…

A Brief History of Actors Kicked OFF Their TV Shows

In light of recent events with Charlie Sheen, Movie Line has an illustrated piece that gives an overview of actors who have been fired from their own television shows. See for a trip through television history. Some of the firings were obviously justified – drug abuse and unreasonable demands – and some make you…

Into the Nexus Erotic Experience Webinar Audio Recording

Take a journey into the heart of the universe, where you will become with everything and everything is erotic! This is the audio recording of a room trance demonstration in eroticatrance presented by Rev. Dr. Brian David Phillips entitled INTO THE EROTIC NEXUS. Yes, this recording includes a complete hypnotic process that guides a person…

Funny Hypnosis Show set for April 8 at the Live Comedy Club Taipei

樂 在 催 眠 FUNNY HYPNOSIS 用催眠打開內心的快樂製造機 Taiwan’s Premiere Comedy Hypnosis Show 中文: English: 4月8日 地點:Live COMEDY CLUB Taipei ( 時間:8:00pm 地址:北市忠孝東路4段553巷20號 (近市政府捷運站) 訂位電話:02-2764-5529 口譯:羅玉蘭 ( 300元 • 8 April 2011: Live COMEDY CLUB Taipei ( Bilingual Performance (English with Chinese interpretation) 8:00pm No.20, Ln.553, Sec.4, ZhongXiao E. Rd; Da-an District, Taipei…


As you probably know a tsunami has hit Japan . . . the 8.9 earthquake has caused extensive damage in Northern Japan and aftershocks still coming. A number of countries in the region are preparing for the waves ( and including Taiwan which is on the tsunami watch list now ( Taiwan is likely…

Does Erotic Hypnosis need to be consensual?

Recently, on the Hypnosis Technique Exchange (, we received a query on the nature of consent and hypnosis and why I often say that it is very important for erotic hypnosis to be built upon a consensual model. The querant has read a number of articles in which I have repeatedly emphasized the importance of…

Me and Bobby McGee

“Me and Bobby McGee“ is a song written by Kris Kristofferson and Fred Foster, originally performed by Roger Miller, and later by others including Kristofferson himself, and also Janis Joplin, who topped the U.S. singles chart with the song in 1971, after her death, making the song the second posthumous number-one single in U.S. chart…

Is McCarthyism Alive and Well? Maybe

Hmmmmmmm. For those who don’t remember who Joseph McCarthy was – and for those who’d like a quick refresher – take a quick look at Now, with McCarthy’s tactics in mind, go read these features on Peter King ( and Brigitte Gabriel ( but while reading mentally replace the word “Islam” with “Communism” and…

San Ba . . . Happy Women’s Day!

Today is International Women’s Day . . . or . . . San Ba . . . the international event was first celebrated in 1909 in the United States and spread worldwide soon after. Coincidentally, the date March 8 is also a slang expression in Chinese for a gossip or sometimes “crazy” woman. It’s kind…

The Brave New World is Here and it Sucks . . . Psychiatry Abandoning Human Connection and Moving to Instant Drug Prescriptions

This is scary stuff . . . I mean really scary . . . Brave New World scary . . . the New York Times has a feature on the current trend in psychiatrists abandoning all variations of talk therapy completely and moving into very brief sessions with patients with absolutely no human connection, you…