Imagine What I Could Have Done with My Fire Breathing Fists

Yes, indeed . . . finally . . .

“I fire back once and this contaminated little maggot can’t handle my power and can’t handle the truth. I wish him nothing but pain in his silly travels especially if they wind up in my octagon. Clearly I have defeated this earthworm with my words—imagine what I would have done with my fire-breathing fists.”

Charlie Sheen‘s FINALLY come out and attacked the producer of Two and a Half Men . . . we’ve been waiting for it to happen.

Honestly, I don’t believe the show should have been running for as long as it has. Sheen obviously has serious abuse problems and the two-week-rehab-vacation stints have not been doing the job. The network has been irresponsible in keeping the thing running for some time as they’ve been happily turning a blind eye to his problems as his character is popular . . . odd that the problems he has in real life are considered serious while the same problems for his character are “charming” . . . when in fact they are not to the nth degree.

Evidently Sheen went ballistic about the show runner on the radio and that was the final straw so the network’s pulled the plug on the show . . . finally. The quote above was Sheen’s response which he sent to a gossip show.

Unfortunately, this may mean that we won’t get to hear Craig Feguson make fun of the situation anymore (I find Ferguson to be absolutely brilliant and would put him up against any other late night host for intelligence, wit, comprehension, understanding, and just plain entertainment value). . . although as a recovered alcoholic Ferguson has also been very understanding about the seriousness and the idiocy of the Sheen situation at CBS.

See for more on the Sheen debacle. Maybe, at least we can only hope, this will mean Sheen can get the help he needs . . . past does not indicate that but we can hope, the guy can be really really good at his job, if only he’d get things under control.

– Brian