UK NHS Trial on Hypnobirthing Underway

The NHS in the UK is conducting trials on the efficacy of hypnobirthing, the use of hypnosis to control pain for mothers delivering children. This is a very very very very good thing. We’ve known for some time about the benefits of hypnosis in fertility issues and the benefits in reducing labor pains. I know, I know, some folks believe that women MUST experience pain when delivering children but this belief is largely cultural rather than biological (yes, discomfort, but that’s not the same as pain). In fact, some who follow strictly literal interpretation of their holy scripture believe that it is not only probable that a woman would experience childbirth pain but that she MUST because of an ancient curse upon her gender. However, this belief – whether it be religious or simply based upon cultural expectation – is only one way to look at the context and childbirth genuinely need NOT be a terrifying experience. Women can experience it as a beautiful loving moment. I’ve seen it and I’ve helped women experience it. See for more on the trial.
