Changes Afoot

You may have noticed that we have streamlined . . . read that as “decreased the number of options” . . . the categories in the sidebar. This is to help folks find the areas related to the blog’s main discussion areas more easily rather than wading through a whole bunch of off-topic categories.

Don’t fret, I am still going to be posting off-topic stuff about my life, my universe, and my everything . . . I just won’t be quite as anal about which category they belong to . . . so that the posts related to hypnosis and other more direct areas of interest will be more easily found.

We’re in process of adding new plugins to the blog site too which will allow us to create membership areas related to posts, post categories, and pages so we want to make the system a bit more streamlined so when you enroll in the Eroticatrance membership area, for instance, you will be able to more readily find the appropriate posts, pages, and videos assigned to members only (new content coming).

– Brian