Finally . . . senate votes to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell

Finally. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell voted to repeal in the Senate in the US. See for more. While I understand the reasoning behind the Clinton push for it . . . the folks in favor of freedom from discrimination did not feel they could muster the support for openly allowing gay servicemen, for one thing . . . it’s always felt like a deal with the Devil, a reprehensible and dirty one for that matter. While the US has steadily moved toward recognizing that sexual orientation is no valid reason for discrimination this is one of the reminders that for some its just lip service. McCain’s logic that some service men will be uncomfortable serving with gay colleagues is a cop out. He’s okay with gay soldiers being in the military as long as they hide who they are? Doesn’t the fact that they have to hide who they are also mean their combat effectiveness is compromised? Shoe, other foot. I say a zero tolerance policy toward discrimination should be instituted. Eventually those who absolutely can’t serve with gay colleagues will weed themselves out but I also honestly feel they are a very very very small minority. Seriously, most folks – including bigots – live and work alongside homosexuals every day . . . they just don’t have the sophistication or “gaydar” to realize that gays and lesbians are literally everywhere within every religious group and part of every ethnic community or political block . . . like the rest of us, they are people . . . and as such should be respected and no longer treated as alien or second class or even third class citizens.

– Brian