Kids Raise Scores with Hypnosis

The Straights Times has an interesting piece on how kids in Singapore are increasing their exam confidence and focus and memory retention through consulting hypnotherapists:

“GETTING good grades are of paramount importance in Singapore’s education system and students are going the extra mile to ace their exams, no matter how unorthodox the strategies. 17-year-old Nanyang Polytechnic student Randolph Koh managed to score 18 points for his ‘O’ levels, and earned himself a place in the course he wanted – after consulting hypnotherapist TK Cheng who specialises in treating children. Randolph, who scored more than 40 points in his ‘O’ levels preliminary exams last year, became more focused and confident after one and a half months of hypnosis.”

See for the story.

As regular readers here know, every once in awhile I offer a training program for educators and hypnotists in Learning Enhancement Hypnosis which provides trance processes and strategies for helping kids learn better. I have presented demonstrations and talks on this and related material in a number of places throughout the world, including the US, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and India. I have also presented papers on this topic to academic conferences (for those who don’t know it, in addition to being a rather well known hypnotist I am also an associate professor at National Chengchi University, one of the top universities in Taiwan).

Of course, we also offer private sessions.

See our webpages at for more information.

– Brian