Psychiatrist uses Sex, Drugs, and Hypnosis in Murder Plot

See the full article at Psychiatrist ‘used sex, drugs and hypnosis to get patient to kill her husband’ (, complete with sexy attention-grabbing headline.

First off, please note that the plot FAILED. She was NOT able to compel the man the kill her husband.

Secondly, note that despite the headline implying hypnosis is an important part of the plot, the actual story content does NOT indicate that. Rather, she uses drugs to lead him into a trance-like state where she had sex with him but a heightened suggestibility is not seen.

Thirdly, due to the Hidden Observer effect, most folks can defend against such inappropriate and unethical suggestions. The exceptions would be persons who already have predisposition to commit the sort of crime being solicited or individuals with extremely suggestible natures who are also undifferentiated personalities . . . a very rare combination (those of you familiar with Human Design might think of them as a sub-set of Refectors, an already rare group).

Of course, this does not mean it is absolutely impossible to pull off this sort of plot . . . but it requires quite a bit more than just hypnosis (the drugs and sex were NOT enough for this particular plot . . . which is a good thing as killing your spouse just to nab the insurance money is a pretty shitty thing to do and she deserves to be locked up – they have her on tape trying to convince her client to be her trigger man).

– Brian

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