The Real Truth of What Men Will Do to See a Naked Girl

Video demonstrates that men will risk being bathed in tar just for the chance to see a naked girl.

Sure, we want to pretend it's just another weird Japanese game show . . . and it is. However, it's not that far off to the lengths some men will indeed to go to in order to get a glimpse of the stranger.

Of course, this isn't always a bad thing.  Notice how ingenious the teams get and how determined they are to excel.  Sexual motivators are often at the root of male success . . . one study of prize winning scientists and businessmen found that the majority had made their most significant contributions prior to marriage and that after marriage, they tended to settle into less innovative or creative positions and focused on management of their position and family stability.  One of the study's conclusions was that we are highly motivated to succeed in order to attract a mate and that once we have found a mate we settle into domestic roles rather than competitive ones.

This isn't necessarily the case with all men, but it certainly is valid for many.

Of course, when presented opportunities for "the strange" so to speak, many men revert to those familiar sexual motivator strategies, some . . . such as the men in this video . . . go even to extremes that leave common sense far behind.

Of course, the really deep level of meaning of this particular video is not within the dynamics of male-female social dynamics . . . but in pure escapist entertainment . . . it's just plain funny to watch a bunch of men, mostly middle-aged, make complete asses of themselves while trying to glimpse a woman's naked body (remember, the prize is not the girl but just the accomplishment of seeing her naked and even then only for a moment . . . certainly, Ugly George has a far more effective strategy for so very much more than that).

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan