Opening a Man’s Sexual Energy Channels

In a question that has some obvious connections to the energy work and orgasms demonstrated in the post at a quearant asks a question on one of the forums that takes an opposite tact regarding whether or not a man's sexual energy channels can likewise be opened via clearing his chakras or by other means.

Obviously, my essay referenced above covers a lot of this . . . but the simple answer is YES and that there are a number of processes to do this, but based in energy work and in hypnosis and in combinations thereof.

As referenced in the earlier post, if you google Tantric Mongoose, they have a DVD which discusses and demonstrates both male and female approaches. The video examples tend to be of beautiful naked women on most sites with videos . . . for some reason that tends to engender more hits, but the number of professional female practitioners who work with male clients seems to be much higher than vice versa (not to be confused with the escorts or the like who use tantric massage as a cover).

In any case, YES, this works on men just as well as with women. There are indeed a number of approaches.  Certainly, hypnosis can be extremely effective at this . . . consider taking a look at the information in the Eroticatrance DVD program at as it covers a number of methods that would be of obvious use (if you act quickly, you can even get this and the ultimate pleasure hypnosis material at rock-bottom sale price, but hurry as the special ends on Feb. 14 . . . details are here).

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan