Ross Jeffries . . . speed seducer and Satanist

Many of you know who Ross Jeffries is . . . yes, the speed seduction guy from . . . while he's not the inventor of the pickup or seduction industry, he certainly goes a long way in having made it big business.  Ross took Neurolinguist Programming and applied it to the specific context of picking up women . . . the current batch of bug ol' PUAs may or may not feel it but they owe Ross at the very least a very large tip of the hat.

Well . . . some of you may not know that Ross Jeffries started off as Paul Ross and long before he created Ross Jeffries, he was out there using influence and "yanking people's chains" . . . here is a video of Ross, er, Paul Ross, that is, on a televangist's talk show debating away.  Ross was a guest as a Conservative Satanist . . . yes, you read that right . . . a Conservative who worships Satan . . . this is during the Reagan years.

Wally Debating Satanist Paul Ross, Part One

Wally Debating Satanist Paul Ross, Part Two

Interview with Ross Jeffries
Does he worship the devil?

Ross Jeffries responds to Devil-Worshiping Interview

There you have it. How's that for some oddness and a bit of fun?

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan