God commands YOU to KILL Gays

Wow . . . I hoped that this was one of those put-on things, one of those ultra-liberal parodies of ultra-right conservative religion . . . a one-off joke that took things a little too far . . . unfortunately, it's not a one-off sophomoric joke . . . evidently it's the real deal and that's just scary on so many levels . . . be sure to listen to BOTH of the embedded audios . . . God Commands You to Kill Gays . . . http://www.rightwingwatch.org/god-commands-you-kill-gays.html?q=content/god-commands-you-kill-gays . . . I know a very few of my readers agree with this guy . . . I don't.  Big time.  This is just wrong on so many levels.  Usually, I respect folks right to disagree . . . but not on this . . . God doesn't want anyone to run around exterminating gays or anyone else.  Period.  Hate speech like this is abhorrent at so many levels.

All the best,