Fuji FinePix REAL 3D W1 . . . it’s real and it’s coming and it WILL BE MINE!

Fuji3d I've already recently posted about the pending release of the Fuji FinePix REAL 3D W1 stereodigitalcamera . . . mine mine mine . . . and that intense desire to own one of these puppies has in no way diminished . . . think of it more along the lines of a slowly growing avalanche of greedy desire.

See the product specs on the Fuji site here, although keep in mind that there are a couple innacuracies there (it's NOT the first mass produced dual-lens stereodigitalcamera – there's a Chinese company that's had one out on the market for a few years – although it certainly is the first major mass market camera of this type . . . it's also certainly not the first mass produced forray into 3D camera technology – we bought the old chacha Ricoh when it came out, regretting the purchase most of the time, that was a single lens 3D effort but died rather quickly as the implementation was weak, heck, the US version didn't even have a 3D option but went with a side-by-side photo mode which was the same thing but less pressure).

Of course, with estimated sales projections of selling about 100,000 units of this camera within the next twelve months, this is not really a big release, more like an experiment (see here).  Sure, the Realist sold that many units back in the day and started a stereophotographic revolution but that was a long time ago when such sales were considered avalanches.  In today's market, you'd have to sell well over a million units to even come near a comparative success level as the Realist (although, one would consider the Realist a monster success in its day).  However, as this unit is the first dip in the market and it has better support than other experiments of the kind, it's likely to expand and inspire other models by competitors as they wait to see how Fuji's forray softens the market.

Since my last post on the subject, things have become much more real as all those development announcements and press releases on what might be coming have now officially given way to the announcement of the actual product itself.

Yes, it is indeed a real thing and it's coming very very soon.  The lucky bastards in Japan will be able to snarf the puppy off the shelves as soon as August 8 . . . my jealousy knows no bounds while the UK (here) and US (here) markets have already announced "some time in September" as the vague but still real-sounding release date.

I have no idea yet on what the Taiwan release date will be but I can tell you that it better'd be sooooon and I mean very very soooooooon or I'm probably going to have to be restrained from biting the head off random kickable dogs seen on the street.  I'd rather get the beastie goodness via an official importer but if the delay takes too long I may be resorting to the whole grey market parallel import option.  With a relatively modest product sales goal, I just hope we at least do get an official release here of some sort.

Time Magazine had a story here for those who don't believe things unless reported in one of the major mass media soft news for the masses venues.

By the way, more goodness, each of the lenses has a microphone next to it so the beastie will have fairly decent 3D video enabled with stereo audio recording enabled.  Nice.  Most folks will snarf this puppy because of the stereophotography aspect but having a video option may be a nice toy (especially since Youtube recently enabled an experimental 3D mode for some videos).

All the best,

(If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to https://briandavidphillips.net/ to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [brian@briandavidphillips.com
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard 
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan

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