
Here's another question that has come in via email.  This one from a fellow who has says he stumbled across some hypnofetish sites run by hypnodommes who have mp3s and the like related to dominating men and some of the site rhetoric proclaims that the male customers will become addicted to serving and pleasing the dominatrixes.  He was particularly surprised as a number of the women who run hypnodomme sites say they are certified hypnotherapits.

Our correspondent contacted at least one of the women who runs such a site telling her he thought she sounded like a sexual predator and her response was that he was overthinking it and that for the most part such businesses are all consensual roleplay.  He wrote a letter to me detailing his concerns and asks some questions based upon my opinion.

"Can you addict someone to or with hypnosis? Can you create compulsions or obsessions with this art form. Or is it all pretend because that is all it ever could be?"

Consensually, absolutely, but it would not be likely that a genuine personality order would be installed in simple audio-only sessions such as CDs or in the context of the roleplay associated with many hypnodomme type services.  If a person wishes to accept those sorts of suggestions and they are genuinely following the suggestions, then . . . yes.  But . . . it would still only go so far in such a context.  There are probably a few folks out there with undifferentiated personalities who might have difficulty distinguishing between the fantasy and the reality but these would be folks who would have difficulty living a normal life outside of their golf club or bowling league.

"The lady I wrote to said I was over-thinking this. What do you think?"

Overthinking, very likely.

Some of the hypno-fetish material seems disturbing but it is still within the realm of consensual fantasy, with or without genuine hypnosis – much of the hypnoporn is roleplay as well.

For the most part, despite what may appear to be hardcore manhating rhetoric, most hypnodommes understand that they are working for clients who hire them for a particular fantasy experience.  Very few are lifestyle dommes beyond an intimate relationship with one or very few individuals.  The throngs of admirers tend to be from a distance, safely online.

There are folks who do indeed use erotic and D/s suggestions within their lives (I teach erotic hypnosis and do have some MP3s available) but most don't go in the extreme direction that some of the hypnodommes go.  There are a few hypnodommes who do indeed come off as sexual predators – or just simply moneygrubbing manhaters – and some of them are also "certified" hypnotherapists but do not confuse this certification with therapy training or licensing.  Some are competent caring individuals and some are not.  I would like to point out that I've personally met a several hypnodommes at hypnosis functions of one sort or another and found a number to be genuinely delightful individuals as well as caring and competent hypnotists.  I've also come across some rather trashy sleazy types . . . but that could also be said of the general hypnosis community as well.

Sure, hypnoaddiction or simply surrendered personalities can result from a form of consensual conditioning, but most of the pay sites, most of which are a sort of commercial intimate roleplay, would not fall into that sort of thing at any substantial real level.  Folks with genuine in-person relationships might have more of a chance for that sort of thing, but even then it would need to be based upon more than a single session of delivering suggestions (remember, hypnosis is a consensual construct).  Certainly, it is possible, just not as likely within the constructs of the random mp3 listen from a pay site of that sort, at least not non-consensually.

I hope this has been helpful.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [brian@briandavidphillips.com]
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan