Embedded Hypnotic Commands in Letters

This query comes in via email:

"I heard so much about NLP embedded hypnosis in emails. I am a student and looking for a job and sent my resume. Is there anything some scripted email I can use to get hired or get an interview something that will trigger this? If there is something you can send to me that will do this that will be helpful that be great."

First off, I do not do nonconsensual hypnotic work of this sort.  That is, I don't work in formal hypnosis with folks to push in commands or ideas that are not overtly requested.

Second, what your asking for is not really about hypnosis – at least that's not what will make you more effective in your job search.

If you wish to learn about NLP embedded commands, then I strongly suggest you take an appropriate course.

You should also learn about social influence and communication as well as how to write an appropriate cover letter for a resume.

Honestly, your number one concern in your job search is making certain you have the skills to back up your claims in your resume.  You need to make certain that you ARE the sort of person your prospective employer is looking for so make sure you have competence in the appropriate skills.  Then, make sure your resume communicates those competencies.

There are books out there on "hypnotic" sales letters.  They are not really about hypnosis, at least not the popular or even the narrow discussion of the term means.  They are about social influence and effective sales.  Because of some of the grandiose claims made by folks who market certain communication books or sales pitch pamphlets there is a misconception that a sales letter that contains hidden hypnotic phrases that the reader must respond to.

There are certain things you can do to enhance your writing and your pitch that do use embedded suggestions BUT if your focus is on that sort of thing, in manipulating your reader rather than in enhancing your own skillsets or product to fit the needs of the client or the prospective employer then you're really focusing on the bells and whistles and not the substantial content.

Don't be all bark, make sure you've got the bite and that's the solid construction of your skillsets and their presentation in a traditional no-nonsense manner.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [brian@briandavidphillips.com]
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan