Cinderella Klingon

Well, for lunch today, the Phillips Clan, Taipei Branch, sat around the ol' TV and popped in a DVD (as is our habit).  We decided to watch a film Kaye picked up at the rental store, Another Cinderella Story . . . which has some moments of clarity and fun within its ninety minutes of popidiocy (don't get me wrong, we enjoyed the piece but high fallutin' theatre it ain't).  Excuse me but did the writers, producers, cast, and no one else associated with this film not know anything about what certain words actually mean?  They make it clear that the Cinderella character is not adopted by the evil aging pop icon but is a ward and yet they refer to the woman as her stepmother some of the time and her guardian at other times and the horrid woman's horrid daughters sometimes as sisters, sometimes as stepsisters, and other times as employers.  Make up your mind what the relationship is and stick with it.  Sure, they MIGHT use the word "sister" with a ward if they have a close relationship but they don't have that sort of relationship at least not in the film.  However, stepsister or stepmother is used when a person is married to a parent . . . since Maria's mother was a dancer on Angelique's crew and they never mention the father at all, there is no marriage here so no stepanything.

When they started plugging the Cinderella story elements into the Hollywood High environment I made a sarcastic comment about how silly it was that this or that plot element was the best they could come up with.

Lorraine said that there's only so much creative a twist they could go since all the good Cinderella stories have already been done and we've seen 'em all.  For some reason, that flashed on me that "WE HAVEN'T SEEN A KLINGON CINDERELLA!"

Hey, JJ Abrams, seriously . . . while you're kicking around ideas for the plot of the next Star Trek . . . think Cinderella with Klingons.

We've already seen Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, and King Lear in Star Trek but Cinderella, especially with Klingons, is something we haven't seen.

Of course, you're going to want to throw in some Pon Farr action and some pheromone dancing with Orion slave girls, and the like . . . but only in so far as alien nudity advances the plot (and it ALWAYS adds to the plot, even if it's just a wet t-shirt contest in the background of an Andorian pleasure palace where the Federation just happens to be having some sort of Babel meeting).  Some Harry Mudd sex robot plots with Jack Black would be nice too (please, let Jack Black be Harcourt Fenton Mudd and not Cyrano Jones, he fits Mudd so much better than Jones and sex robots are so much more "interesting" than tribbles).

There you have it . . . Cinderella Klingon.  You know you want to see it.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan