California Gay Marriage Ban Goes Bye-Bye

The California Supreme Court has struck down the gay marriage ban as unconstitutional and has gone further by using language that pretty much says any law discriminating based upon sexual orientation is out.  See,0,6182317.story for the full story.  This is a big deal as this is not just another bunch of liberal justices, this is a court that is predominately moderate Republican in makeup.  The decision is likely to be far-reaching.  Of course, there is now an initiative that seeks to amend the California constitution to make same-sex marriage unprotected so the battle is not over.

The opponents to gay marriage certainly have the right to continue their efforts.  Personally, I prefer that gay Americans (well, actually gay anywhere-else for that matter) have the right to marry and to enjoy the rights that any and everyone else enjoys.  The so-called protection of marriage arguments don't fly nor do the arguments that marriage is all about having kids since such a large number of folks who marry divorce anyway and we are seeing a tremendous growth in the number of marriages that do not produce children (by choice or otherwise).

Peoples is people and gay peoples is peoples too . . . so . . . let them be treated like people.  Let them marry.  In my opinion.

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan

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