Lifetrance DVD set on pre-release sale right now . . . expires soon

Over the years, one of our most-requested products has been from folks
asking for a video of our popular pastlife regression hypnosis certification
seminar.  During my last trip to India – yes, the home of much of the
reincarnation lore so many folks in the metaphysical hypnosis community turn to
– we made sure that there was a good video camera present for the program I
The resulting two DVD set is our LIFETRANCE DVD program which goes further
than "just" past life regression.  This program covers a number of lifetrance
processes that make a wonderful addition to anyone's trance toolbox, whether you
"believe" in reincarnation or consider the results to be wholly
See for
complete details.  The material covered coves:
* Past Life Regression
* Christos Variation (hypnotic
* Past Lives, Past Loves Imagery
* Future Life
* Immediate Life Imagery
* Life Between Life
Life Relationships Pattern
* Lifegift Technique
* . . . and more!
Seriously, this is a unique take on this material, very few folks tell it like it is in quite the same way and very very few folks cover this much material related to this subject in one seminar.

In addition to the solid material covered in the DVD, folks wishing further
professional qualification are eligle to examine for Specialist Certification in
Pastlife Hypnosis or Lifetrance Hypnosis with the Society of Experiential Trance
(please see the Society webpages for prerequisites).

The full price for the two-DVD set will be US$150 when the product goes
live on June 15 . . . however . . . if you order your copy NOW as part of the
pre-release program, you will save ONE THIRD of the price, that's a full US$50
off the regular price.  Go to and
order now and pay only US$100 for this unique program.
After June 15, the special pre-release program evaporates so ACT NOW.

All the best,

(If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)

Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE!
See for details

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan