A Pakistani Underworld . . . fetish goes international business

This video story from the New York Times on two brothers in Pakistan who have built a multi-million-dollar business selling fetish fashion items to Westerners (they say some 70% of their customers are Democrats in the US) is fascinating to be sure . . . http://video.nytimes.com/video/2009/04/27/world/1194839708301/a-pakistani-underworld.html . . . the only folks who actually know what the odd looking leather items they're making are actually for are the brothers and a very very few folks in the design department.  The folks who actually construct the items assume they are something else entirely.  Alsoi, be sure to read the print edition story at http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/28/world/asia/28fetish.html for more details.

All the best,