Ticked, Miffed, Pe-oed, and on Peevish Pout regarding computers and whatnot

The unjoys of not being a happy camper.  Saturday morning early, my family was set to go on a trip down to Taichung and environs as Lorraine and I didn't get a chance to celebrate our sixteenth wedding anniversary proper as that's the day I returned from my long stay in India for the latest hypnoteaching tour.  So, we're all set to go and I check my email one last time and my virus scanner gives me an update message saying I need to reboot for the new data and program changes to take effect so . . . I reboot and the whole damned system dies.  No more reboot, no system screens just blinking cursor death.

Not a happy camper indeed as I had not yet checked my new emails (if you emailed me within the last weekend I may not have received the mail) and we have to hit the road.

So, the computer sits on the dining room table for an entire weekend plus as we are out of town.

Now that we're back in Taipei it will take a few days before I can get the blasted thing to a shop and then who knows how long before I get it back.

This is a double grrrrr time thingie.  There's stuff I NEED on that machine, stuff I could not access and address while I was in India that needs taking care of now . . . but it languishes on the dead machine.

I can check webmail for now . . . so, new correspondence is coming in.

If you have pressing matters, be patient.

Of course, those who need to sign up for courses or the free workshop or order materials can still contact Lorraine's address . . . no problem.  You are fine.  Speaking of which, if you have not signed up for the free workshop on Feb. 22 http://www.briandavidphillips.com/workshops/ecstacy.html then you need to do that now.  Lorraine needs you contact info so she can send you the venue info.

The trip?  Some ups and some downs.  I was bummed about the computer in my obsessive compulsive way but still managed to have some nice moments . . . and some awkward ones I do not wish to repeat again.

All the best,