Mae West Hypnotic Orgasms?

As part of an ongoing discussion on hypnotically induced orgasms in the Hypnosis Technique Exchange, one correspondent wrote:

"Several years ago I brought a young lady home who
told me she was not able to have the big "O"
Without ever getting within 2 feet of her I got her
to have spectacular organisms.
Across the kitchen table I sat and talked and
found out that the person who could have
Huge O’s….in her mind was May West.
I put her into trance, told her she was
May West and to let em rip. …the
did and she was overjoyed."

Nice model approach.  I do a fun thing that uses an adaptation of my Vicarious Experiential Machine process with an adult film so that the trance partners experience whatever the on screen is experiencing as it it is happening to themselves.  This too will be taught and experienced in May.

My elder brother once told me he was at a party in New
York and a fellow bet a group of women US$100 that he could give an orgasm
within five minutes without a single touch and one of the ladies took him up
on the offer.  He then had her sit and close her eyes and ran a patter and
boom there she went.  She reported to others that it was one of the best
she’d ever had.  My brother, not being a hypnotist, was duly impressed.  I
then told him how it could be done, describing a fairly straightforward
elicitation and acceleration phase, and it turns out that what I described
was pretty much exactly what the fellow had done.  Ah, yes, been there, done that . . . enjoyed it quite a bit.

Once you understand the mechanics, this is not a difficult task, as long as
you have consent and are engaging the imagination appropriately.

The obvious application is for couples or recreational use but therapists
would do very well to know the processes involved, as they can then help a
very wide assortment of folks in a number of various situations but also
because once they understand the operators, they then are able to adapt them
to other contexts.

Take a look in the eXchange archives at and see
Rick Brown’s nice little "ABCs of Suggested Orgasm" technique which he would
use at lifestyle conventions for workshops on this very topic, bearing in
mind that the folks who attended his workshops were less interested in
hypnosis than they were in the Orgasm Chair and the benefits found while
sitting within it.  It’s a fast process that only takes a moment and creates
an eager line of folks waiting to have a go.  It’s a bit of waking hypnosis that goes a long way. Yes, the folks who join us in
May will be playing with variations of this sort of approach.

"A few days later she complained that she was having O’s constantly
and they were getting painful, so I did an adjustment."

The joys of overmodeling. 🙂 Having constant orgasms sounds pretty kool
until you’ve had number fifteen and realize that number sixteen and number
one hundred ninety four are on the way.  There can indeed be too much of a
good thing which is also why we should be careful of how we phrase this and
other suggestions.  As far as erotic hypnosis goes, the number one request I
get is NOT "how can I engage my partner and create wonderful moments of
intimacy, joy, and mutual love?"
. . . oh, no . . . but "how can I MAKE my
partner cum on command anytime, anywhere?"
  So many folks who want that
particular toy end up abusing it somehow without realizing that if their
partner is being asked to orgasm on command all the time in unusual and
inappropriate circumstances they will eventually not want to play and will
become resentful.

Erotic hypnosis is not really just about the flash boom bang
toys (although those are KOOL and I think they’re wonderful), but more about
the other stuff that provides context for the boom.  Folks, a desire or
arousal context trigger has so very much more use than just a simple orgasm
clicker (although I do admit, I like to use both).

"If we can get on stage and get folks to cluck like a
chicken……..a big O is much more natural."

I’ve never actually asked anyone to cluck like a chicken.  I suppose someday
I will have to do so, just to see what the deal is.  I do admit to a few
other animal type suggestions though.

Oh . . . before I end this . . . gratuitous plug ahead . . . see for more on this
topic and sign up NOW as the February First deadline to get all the kool freebies and the incredible deep discount is coming fast upon us.

Yes, the folks who attend the upcoming EROTIC HYPNOSIS seminar on May 30-31 –
– will also learn a great many techniques with an erotic twist and much, much, more.  They will also
learn how to induce consensual full body orgasms with a single word and very much more.

The seminar is open to beginners through experienced hypnotists, all
we require is that you be at least twenty-one years of age for the adult seminar and have a
genuine curiosity in the subject matter with a willingness to come in
and play.  No, there is no nudity in the Erotic Hypnosis course nor is there anything
untoward – as long as you don’t consider inducing consensual orgasms
and erotic experiences in others as untoward.  The techniques taught
can be applied to a wide range of situations in a variety of
appropriate contexts from therapy to entertainment to recreational
activities between consenting adults.

Anyone is welcome, couples or singles, male or female, straight or not-so-straight, with special
pricing available for couples and even more price advantages for groups
of three or more.

Sign up NOW and take advantage of one of the most
generous bonus gift programs we have ever prepared – yes, folks who
sign up the earliest end up with bonus gifts that are worth more in
real value than the actual price of the course which is already set for
very high value – not to mention, the most high-value pricing advantage
we have ever offered any of our courses at (for this
very special event).  We really want to give you this incredible
opportunity and so we’ve thrown in everything we can because we know
you won’t want to miss this chance, especially knowing the opportunity
will not come this way again.  This is a special promotion for this particular one-of-a-kind course presentation on May 30-31, it will not be repeated.

The Deep Discount expires on February First so sign up
NOW to take advantage of an incredible price point and an awesome bonus
materials package (inquire about group rates for even more savings on
this very special program).

Go to for more information and email Lorraine right away to reserve your spot in the very special presentation of the Erotic Hypnosis program.

Sign up NOW as this is a limited time offering.

All the best,

(If you are reading this blog post via a stream, go to to access the full post with any videos or photos included.)

Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE!
See for details

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan