THIS looks very very familiar . . .
. . . the joy of the confusion of high school admissions

This year, my daughter Kaye is going through preparation-for-high-school-entrance-exams-hell fun and so this article about Even an Expert’s Resolve is Tested by High School Admissions Process – is very very familiar.  Yes, even the woman who wrote THE book on high schools and getting into the good ones in New York is confused and confounded and confabulated and frustrated uberstyle regarding going through the process with her daughter.  Here in Taiwan, Kaye would like to test into a special talent music program for high school and so while she has a wonderful gift for piano and composition (see she seems to be constantly taking more classes (she has piano, extra piano, music history/theory, and cello classes, all in addition to her normal school work).  It’s her dream so we support her.

All the best,