3D NFL . . . and so it begins

I’m not really a big sports fan . . . my idea of an awesome participatory sport is sitting on my butt with a game controller wasting zombies with a handy dandy rocket propelled grenade (virtual, that is).  The most running around I want to do is pushing the buttons on my game controller (even Wii is a bit more exercise than I can or want to handle).

I don’t even enjoy watching most sports.

However, the NFL may have found a way to get even bona fide lifestyle couch potatae like myself interested in the sport . . . they have begun experimenting with broadcasting in 3D.

See First NFL game in 3D fumbles, then recovers – http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/12/05/AR2008120500416.html – for what may be the beginning of an awesome future of stereoscopic television.

While they hit some technical glitches and cameramen need to learn that flash pans are not as exciting in 3D but have the effect of making some folks lose their lunches, it looks like the experiment was a success and we may begin seeing more 3D sports in our future . . . even those of us on this side of the planet where such things have been very slow coming (heck, Taipei doesn’t even have many digital 3D capable theaters . . . yet).

Good things on the horizon.

All the best,

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