Islamic Baby Secretly Converting the Toddlers of America?

What do you do when the baby doll you bought for your child . . . the one that says "Momma" and gibberish style babytalk . . . suddenly starts spouting off pro-Islamic propaganda disguised as that very same babytalk gibberish?

You complain to the world that’s what!

Evidently a bunch of folks have stumbled upon the secret plot to subvert the values and religious ideals of America by the Secret Masters installed in the pentagonal chambers at Fisher Price on behalf of their Secret Overlords at Mattel.

Or not.

Over the past few weeks, news media at Wausau have been receiving emails and calls from concerned parents who have discovered that the babytalk gibberish spouted off by the babydolls are really the phrase "Islam is the light."  For some reason, this has upset the predominately conservative Christian parents, many of whom equate Islam with anything but the light.

According to Mattel the doll says "Momma" and gibberish with no Islamic light.  If they are indeed telling the truth and have not inserted the pro-Islam programming into their chips (nefarious corporate overlords that they be) . . . and this seems more likely in this instance since a call to Islam doesn’t really fit their previous corporate agenda of converted the world to serve the Dark Lord (see their Harry Potter, Dungeons and Dragons, and other toys and games and products) . . . then why are folks hearing the "Islam is the light" sentence so very clearly?

Well . . . this could be an excellent example of projected belief and mass influence (a polite way of saying hysteria, a mental virus of sorts that infects people’s beliefs and experiences).  Because you expect to hear the phrase your brain makes sense out of the garbled mess and creates that impression so that you then clearly hear the phrase.

Similarly, folks who expect to hear "my sweet Satan" when playing Stairway to Heaven backwards do indeed hear it.  A few years back the most active discussion on my blog was on that very issue . . . Stairway to Heaven Backwards: My Sweet Satan . . . although that discussion died down a while back when the original referenced page vanished (actually, it’s at now and is absolutely brilliant so go play).

Or . . . is it really just suggestion?

Please note . . . sombunall of the above post is tongue-in-cheek . . . sombunall of the other bits are absolutely fact.

All the best,


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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan