Swimming the Amazon in Trance

Hypnosis is great for atheletes . . . I’ve worked with a number of folks using techniques that help them enter into an altered state of consciousness, the "zone" we all hear about which is a genuine experience for many top performing athletes, and in other ways to help them reach their full potential via performance enhancement.

I’ve worked with swimmers to help them improve their stamina and technical performance so this story of a fellow who swam the Amazon is particularly interesting . . . Swimming the Amazon: 3274 Miles on the World’s Deadliest River (web). . . has trained himself to enter into a trance state for hours at a time to allow him to make tremendous demands upon his body.

While I am swimming long distances I am rolling very interesting different films and stories in my head in order to forget about swimming and pains that I have in my body. Basically I am like a robot and if someone suddenly “wakes me up,” I usually get angry, because I
fall out of my concentration. This “robot stage” is an ability of high-level concentration, which works like hypnosis. So I could say that if you want to forget your pains and action you have to know how to put yourself into hypnotism.  This hypnotized stage could last up to one hour on my swims and I can repeat several times a day. I needed many years to train/teach myself how to do it. I could not do this when I was younger.

Using hypnosis, one can indeed do some amazing things.  Of course, I’m not so sure I’d recommend swimming anywhere where you have to be placed in a wheelchair at the end as your heart races to heart attack levels and your body is infested with subcutaneous larvae.

You can get yourself a copy of Matthew Mohlke and Martin Strel’s book The Man Who Swam the Amazon: 3274 Miles on the World’s Deadliest River , which details the fifty-two-year-old’s magnificent journey here.  He had already swum several other of the world’s longest rivers but this challenge was particularly powerful.

All the best,

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India (August 30-31, Sept. 3-4, 6-7 2008)


Taipei, Taiwan (22 Sept. 2008)


Taipei, Taiwan (19-20 October 2008)
Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE!

See http://www.BrianDavidPhillips.com for details!

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH [brian@briandavidphillips.com]
Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, Intuitionist, Trance Wizard

President, Society of Experiential Trance

Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan
