Smoke? Don’t Read This . . .
. . . unless you want the facts

So, if you smoke . . . take a look at this . . . . . . that’s supplement ten to the National Cancer Institute’s listing of The Risk of Death by Age, Sex, and Smoking Status in the United States: Putting Health Risks in Context from the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Woloshin, et al, 100:845.

The file is a pdf and more than a whole lot depressing, especially if you are a smoker.  Of course, that’s one of the reasons folks come to hypnotists to give up smoking.  While former smokers have higher health risks than non-smokers, they’re in a heck of a lot better position than active smokers.

Now, even though hypnosis has the highest success rate of the various stop-smoking modalities – over sixty percent in some studies – it still requires that you actually want to change.

Recently, in Taiwan, there has been some national news coverage of a doctor in Kaohsiung who uses hypnosis for stop-smoking groups in hospital.  Unfortunately, the news coverage was not very positive – the doctor reports a thirty percent success rate, well below the typical for most studies – and most of the participants interviewed report a disbelief that they were actually hypnotized (albeit some did report relaxation).  One doubting fellow who claimed no success said that he was only there because his wife and son forced him to attend.  Well, if he wasn’t there for himself then of course he’s going to fail.

You actually have to desire the change and you have to followthrough by actually following the directions.  Hypnosis is not a magick wand that forces you to change.  If you truly wish the change then your success will be much higher.

Of course take a good hard look at the statistics and health risks at and there is a very good chance you will find some motivation.

I do this sort of work in Taiwan as well as hypnosis and trance wizardry for a number of issues, so feel free to check my webpages at for more information on arranging private or group sessions with me (sessions are in English with Chinese interpretation available).

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Trance Wizard, Intuitionist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan