Practical Approaches to Metaphysical Hypnosis

上課日期:7月19至20日 (兩天12小時)
學費:NT$15,000 (6月30日前報名NT$12,000會員NT$10,000)
授課語言: 英語 (國語口譯)
報名:電郵 留下姓名和聯絡電話
傳真報名:02- 24526223

DATES: July 19-20, 2008
LOCATION: Taipei, Taiwan (Venue Announced After Registration Finalization)
COURSE HOURS: 15 hours (two days)
LIMITED SEATING: Positions in the class are filled on the basis of first-come first-served.
PREREQUISITE: experience not required, but encouraged
SPECIALIZATION CERTIFICATE: Those who complete this course and meet all other eligibility requirements are qualified to take the examination for a Specialization Certificate in Metaphysical Hypnosis from the Society of Experiential Trance (society membership is not required to attend this course).
COURSE FEE: NT$15,000 (Special pricing for those who register early:  Early Bird, NT$12,000 before June 30).   Ask about GROUP RATES and Save More!
CANCELLATION FEES: After June 30, $5,000; after July 19, no refund.
REGISTRATION: contact Lorraine Phillips here to register.  International guests should contact Lorraine about accommodation suggestions or other matters.




Many hypnotists have an interest in metaphysical thought and practice.
However, few courses demystify those practices in a clearcut manner
that make them practical to use in non-metaphysical or contemporary
settings. Metaphysical practices have been shrouded in secrecy for
thousands of years, often cloaked in an aura of supernatural power
beyond the ken of man. In this course, we will examine the underlying
hypnotic operators within many of the practices in order to find how
these techniques can be adapted to contemporary settings in practical
ways, stripping away some of the mystique in order to find powerful
trance-based changework processes appropriate to today’s clinical and
introspective setting. Students will also learn how they can create
wholly new trance-based rituals to suit any number of contemporary
contexts from clinical to introspective meditation.

Course Content:

In this seminar, we will approach various
metaphysical constructs via hypnosis with an eye toward a no-nonsense
practical approach to the material, the methods, and the outcome. This
is NOT a course in metaphysical beliefs. Rather, it is a course in
metaphysical hypnosis techniques and methods. While the instructor will
explain all of the techniques in a straightforward way and demonstrate
them with students practicing every technique, each participant is free
to place them within whatever metaphysical context is appropriate for
that person. Your beliefs are your own, but with this course you will
learn the techniques which you can place within the context of whatever
belief, faith, or science as you wish. We will be looking to a
results-oriented approach that focuses on the trance modality toward
achieving hypnotic effects that may lead one toward a higher intuitive
understanding of metaphysical concepts without blindly accepting broad
generalizations. The hypnotic experiences will be clearly placed into
the context of hypnosis, suggestion, and effect without jumping to
unproven or speculative conclusions. We will be examining these
phenomena with very much a "let’s see what is working beneath the
effect" and "let’s make certain of our results before making undue
claims" . . . this is the enlightened skeptic’s approach to
metaphysical trance effects, albeit neither dismissive nor uncritically
accepting. While many who teach Past Life Regression, Spirit
Releasement Therapy, Out of Body Experience Trance, Distance Seeing,
Crystal Gazing, Aura Viewing, Energy Testing, Channeling, and other
Metaphysical Hypnosis methods believe in the reality of such phenomena,
it is important that participants learn how to approach such sessions
in a way that ensures that trance sessions are managed in a way so that
genuine evidence of extrasensory experience is clearly demonstrated and
not merely suggestion confused as reality.

Participants will learn the processes and experience them both as
guide and as metaphysical traveler in what will be a truly mind-opening
experience of experiential hypnosis within a very strong critical
approach. Despite the emphasis on critical inquiry within the
conducting of trance processes, the purpose of the course is not to
tear apart anyone’s beliefs, rather it is to empower hypnotists with
powerful tools for conducting sessions in a way that allows them to
more meaningfully distinguish suggestion, phantasy, or confabulation
from genuine metaphysical experience as well as ways to use
metaphysical constructs in a positive and helpful way regardless of
one’s personal faith or beliefs, making the experience much more
valuable for both the hypnotist and the trance partner. Above all, this
is a skills-based course so participants should be prepared to be
open-minded, eager, and willing to learn and set to do the work from
the get-go. Participants will learn and begin running critical
metaphysical processes from day one.

Those who complete this course and meet all other eligibility requirements are qualified for the Specialization Certificate in Metaphysical Hypnosis from the Society of Experiential Trance.
All of the skillsets requires for Society certification in this area
beyond basic membership are covered in this intensive course and more:

  • Metaphysical Trance Constructs
  • Orientation to Ritual and Imaginative Power: Church, Temple, Coven, Theatre, Politics, Sport, and More
  • Hypnosis as Formal Ritualized Context
  • Magickal Thinking, Scientific Thinking, and How to Congruently Combine the Two in Clinical and Introspective Contexts
  • Eye of Experiential Trance
  • Clean Language and Session work with Metaphysical Processes (Guiding versus Leading, etc.)
  • Astral Projection
  • Aura Sight
  • Automatic Drawing
  • Automatic Writing
  • Avatars and Archetypes
  • Candletrance
  • Channeling and Guide Work
  • Dowsing
  • Dreamwalking
  • Energizer
  • Engineered Ecstatic Experiences
  • Future Life Progression
  • Healing Energy Models
  • Higher Self
  • Hypnotic Talismans and Amulets
  • Ideomotor Sigil
  • Intuitive versus Academic Magick and the Hypnotist (The Witch, the Shaman, the Mage, and the Hypnotist)
  • Life Between Life
  • Manifesting
  • Manifestations
  • Moppets, "Voodoo" Dolls, and Trance Constructs
  • Ouija Boards
  • Ouija Dancing
  • Out of Body Experience
  • Past Life Regression
  • Pendulum Ideomotor Questioning
  • Remote Viewing
  • Ritualtrance and Ritualmaking
  • Scrying (Crystal Gazing, Mirror, Pool, etc.)
  • Shamanism
  • Shapeshifter (Adaptive Shamanic and Other Models)
  • Soul Gazing
  • Spellcraft and Trancecraft
  • Spirit Releasement Therapy
  • Sprit Animal Guide
  • Tarot Trance
  • Trancedancing
  • Thoughtforms (Energized and Otherwise)
  • Vicarious Experiential Trance in Metaphysical Contexts
  • Original Processes or Patterns (Students will learn to
    create and demonstrate new and original metaphysical hypnotic processes
    or trance patterns – based upon esoteric sources and wholly original).
  • . . . and much much much more!

While the course will explore a number of areas common to the
metaphysical trance experience, some specific areas of interest are:

Past Life Regression Hypnosis

Many who approach hypnosis as
a means to access past life memories do so from a purely metaphysical
or spiritual point of view that assumes the experiences are always
genuine, often accepting as fact experiences that are neither logical
nor sensible. In this workshop, participants will learn a variety or
approaches to Past Life Regression and other forms of Metaphysical
Hypnosis that are both open to new experiences and critically valid. We
will take on an approach of healthy skepticism to the processes and
learn methods that ensure that one guides the experience rather than
leads it through preconceived notions or expectations that cause one to
ask leading questions or make assumptions. Participants will learn
proper safeguards for conducting a regression that ensure a well
managed trance session by using clean language and processes.
Participants will learn a number of alternative critical explanations
for the content of a session and how to distinguish fact from phantasy
or confabulation.

Hypnosis and Tarot

In this seminar, you will learn some of
the fundamental concepts behind using the Tarot for introspective
meditation. While the workshop section of the seminar approaches some
subjective experiences and spiritual paths, it does so with respect
while maintaining a critical insight. This is not a fortune telling
course, rather it is an exploration into Tarot as a means for gaining
insight into life issues through introspective focused trance hypnosis.
The instructor will introduce a number of Tarot decks as well as
layouts, both traditional and contemporary, that are considered very
useful for gaining personal insight into issues facing oneself. Of
particular interest will be the Animation Tarot system. Hypnosis is a
means of focused trance and is a perfect approach to Tarot. The
instructor will teach participants a number of Experiential Hypnosis
techniques that incorporate Tarot imagery and cards. These include the
classic experiential trance technique of the "through the gate into
tarot" method as well as single card and multiple deck methods for
gaining insight into one’s life issues via synchronicity,
introspection, and experiential trance. Students are strongly
encouraged to bring three or more different Tarot decks of their own.
In addition to being one of the world’s foremost authorities on
experiential hypnosis, the instructor is also the list owner of one of
oldest and largest online Tarot discussion forum.

Auras and Other Suggested Metaphysical Visual Effects

ability to see "auras" is one sought after by many. The "aura" is the
"life force" or energy surrounding a person. Many claim to be able to
see the colors of the aura and thus be able to determine a person’s
spiritual or physical well being or other aspects of their character
such as their truthfulness, openness, or hidden agendas. Participants
will learn a number of hypnotic techniques that explore the concept of
visually associating emotional or other responses to a person with a
color that is seen surrounding them. Participants will also explore
trance-based scrying, mirror gazing, and crystal ball gazing using
experiential hypnotic methods.

Astral Journey and Other Out of Body Experiences

As part of
our skeptical exploration of metaphysical hypnosis, we will endeavor to
experiment with and experience trance-based suggested experiences of
the soul traveling out of the body into the Astral plane, out of body
experiences within this plane such as farseeing and dream walking as
well as quantum time travel processes.

Channeling and Spirit Guides

We will examine some of the
processes used by mediums and channels via formal trance and walking
suggestive processes. The practice of seeking and building
relationships with guardian angels, animal spirit guides, and other
metaphysical constructs will be demonstrated, explored, and experienced
within the context of experiential trance.

Spirit Releasement Therapy

Some hypnotists have begun
specializing in hypnotic spirit releasement therapy or hypnosis-based
exorcisms. Learn the premise of this practice as well as some of the
pitfalls – both in critical approach as well as in terms of longterm
therapeutic gains. Basic principles and approaches are explained.

Crystal Gazing and Crystal Healing

If you have your own,
bring your crystals or crystal balls. We will learn how mediums perform
crystal gazing as well as how some practice crystal healing. Our
purpose is to isolate hypnotic practice and suggestion from genuine

Higher Self, Mystical, and Ecstatic Experiences

A number of
metaphysical philosophies carry the concept of a higher self to which
all of us are connected. This higher self may be a connection to that
part of us which lies beyond the wheel of life or to a spiritual force
from beyond. It may simply be a manifestation of our unconscious, our
super-ego, or some higher power or a deep connection to one’s core
states and deeply held beliefs or needs. Participants will learn a
number of processes to access the higher self ranging from
straightforward formal induction to levels of hypnosis beyond
somnambulism or through waking processes that tie into experiential
trancelike phenomena and leverage them into a near-mystical or ecstatic

Original Process Creation

Students will learn a "build your
own" and "spontaneous creativity" approach to innovation and
inspiration in which they will create their own trance and hypnosis
processes based upon authentic esoteric sources and practices as well
as the underlying operators behind these processes that allow them
create their own wholly original new processes.


The course is taught by Dr. Brian David
Phillips, an internationally known and respected hypnosis practitioner,
educator, author, and entertainer. Dr. Phillips is President of the Society of Experiential Trance and has in the past served as editor of the peer-reviewed Journal of Applied Hypnotic Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Phillips is the coordinator and chief instructor for the oldest
English-language hypnosis and focused-trance practice group in Taiwan
and is the owner and moderator of one of the largest online email
discussion communities related to hypnosis and focused trance
techniques. He has taught numerous workshops and seminars on hypnosis,
focused trance, and experiential hypnosis as well as a number of
webinars (web-based seminars) on these and related subjects. Dr.
Phillips is an associate professor at National Chengchi University. Dr.
Phillips uses rapid and instant hypnosis inductions routinely in his Waking Dreams Hypnosis Show, the only ongoing entertainment comedy hypnosis stage show in Taiwan.

Teaching Methods:

This course relies upon a very fast-paced system of demonstration and
practice. More than any other course, this seminar consists of
demonstration, explanation, practice, practice, practice. It is NOT
intended as a lecture or passive learning experience. It is a very
fast-paced and energetic program so students should come ready,
willing, able, and eager to jump right in and run full speed ahead. The
teaching methodology is very active. Students will learn through all of
their sensory learning channels, particularly aural, visual, and
kinesthetic . . . listening, seeing, and doing . . . as it is a
practical applications competence course, there is a great deal of
supervised "doing" with immediate and useful feedback. Typically, for
each subject or technique, the training is within the following process
model: 1. instructor briefs students on the topic, 2. instructor
demonstrates technique with student volunteer, 3. the demonstration is
then broken down into steps, 4. students then practice the technique
several times with one another under guidance of the instructor with
ongoing feedback, 5. class debriefs about experience and technique with
performance notes from instructor, 6. students continue advanced
practice (including homework for some techniques), 7. final debriefing
with instructor. The course focuses upon practical competence and
experienced application of the material.

The course is taught in English (we are happy to provide English to Chinese interpretation fo those requesting it, please contact Lorraine for details).

Course Requirements / Grading Criteria:

While some will attend this course for general information and instruction in Metaphysical Hypnosis, those wishing to fulfill specialization requirements with the Society of Experiential Trance should take note that they will be evaluated based upon:

  1. Regular attendance
  2. Participation in classroom activities
  3. Completion of assignments
  4. Ongoing Oral and Demonstrational Competence Activities or Tasks

Course Materials:

Students will be supplied with handouts related to the presentation topics in the form of the Metaphysical Hypnosis
text by Brian David Phillips. Example videos of Brian David Phillips
explaining some of the original processes to be covered in much more
detail during this comprehensive course can be found in the video section of this webpage (in the Hypnocast section).

If possible, please bring your own Tarot decks (three decks would be ideal).

Please, students may not use recording devices during the course.
However, the instructor may record portions of the training.
Participation in this seminar implies consent to be recorded on video,
audio, and photograph.

Online Resources:


For correspondence, information in Chinese,
or for questions regarding Chinese interpetation, please contact
Lorraine Yuk-Lan Law Phillips here.

All the best,

Sign Up NOW!
Taipei, Taiwan (13 July 2008)
Taipei, Taiwan (19-20 July 2008)
Taipei, Taiwan (9-10 August 2008)
India (August 30-31, Sept. 3-4, 6-7 2008)
Taipei, Taiwan (22 Sept. 2008)
Taipei, Taiwan (19-20 October 2008)
Hypnosis Shows, Sessions, Training . . . and MORE!
See for details!

Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Hypnotist, Certified Hypnotherapist, Trance Wizard, Intuitionist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan