Monthly Archives: March 2008

Science Behind the Trance

There’s a new documentary series about Alternative Therapies on BBC that looks well worth a looksee: There’s something altogether objectionable about a virtual stranger numbing your face then drilling into your back teeth while asking you where you’re going on holiday. Well, imagine having a cavity drilled and filled or a molar wrenched out while…

Tornado trashes Atlanta –

Our thoughts and prayers to friends in Atlanta . . . Tornado trashes Atlanta . . . well, actually to anyone and everyone affected by the tornado. Having grown up in Kansas, I saw more of those beasties in person than one could ever wish to see and I would not fancy seeing any more.…

security guide to customs-proofing your laptop

Yep, what it says . . . security guide to customs-proofing your laptop . . . a lot of folks don’t realize it but customs – particularly American customes – has begun copying the contents on laptop, cellphone, pda, and other devices for snooping. Yes, the entire contents, in many cases machines have been confiscated…

wolf howls and weird goings on

Okay, I’m curious . . . has this happened to anyone else over the past few days? This morning, all the dogs in the neighborhood (and we have a LOT of them) were howling that weird keening howl like wolves for no apparent reason and then they stopped. Well, I happened to see a livejournal…

Hong Kong schools close amid flu fears

It looks like another flu scare for Hong Kong . . . HK schools close amid flu fears . . . three children have died and five remain hospitalized while a number are showing symptoms. The closures are to keep the kids from spreading it. Scientists are trying to determine if the deaths were related…

Painless Childbirth

The Los Angeles Chronicle has a piece on alternative methods for pain relief for pregnancies (here).  Of interest to readers here is the section on hypnosis: There is some evidence that women who are susceptible to hypnosis may be able to reduce the sensation of pain through hypnosis. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation…

Fergie positive about Hypnosis

I’ve posted about Fergie (the singer from The Black-Eyed Peas) and her success with beating a meth addiction through hypnotherapy.  She’s still very positive about her use of hypnosis and it’s effects upon her life: "I do hypnotherapy, which is a really big thing in my life. It works well with me because you go…

Autoimmune Diseases Helped via Hypnosis

Research has shown that folks with autoimmune diseases (when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks itself) such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and others can be helped via hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery, and other forms of focused trance.  This is a very good thing. According to the U.S. National Women’s Health Information Center: Autoimmune…

RIP Gary . . . we thank you

Gary Gygax, the father of roleplaying games, has passed away . . . see Gary Gygax and Father of D&D for more. Gygax inspired multiple generations of gamers, myself included, and will be missed . . . his impact upon game culture had been huge, massive, and pervasive. Gaming will certainly move on without him…

No Pants

Sometimes you just have to go without the ol’ pants . . . No Pants 2k8 at Improv Everywhere. Notice how the event is getting bigger every year. This time it’s begun to spread into more cities too.