salvia divinorum set to go byebye . . . legally, that is

Well, it looks very likely that salvia divinorum, magick mint, is likely to go the way of marijuana and become a banned substance in most of the US . . . Ban for ‘next marijuana’? . . . actually, I am suprised they didn’t ban it earlier. Oh, by the way, the medical examiner who cited salvia divinorum as a contributing factor in the boy’s death certainly didn’t do so based upon the case, there was none in his system and it seems more likely other factors were far more contributory. No deaths have been found to be directly related to the drug . . . compare that to the legal drugs of nicotine and alcohol. Of course, marijuana is certainly not linked to actual deaths either so that won’t stop salvia divinorum from being banned . . . it would be nice if they would cite the actual reasons for the ban though rather than cooking books or slanting reports.

All the best,