Sex . . . it does a body good
. . . health reasons to indulge in sensual pleasure

From Newsweek, a number of studies have shown that regular sex has various health benefits . . . I can think of many non-health benefits as well as a few more health benefits not listed in their Health Benefits of Weekly Sex article . . . regular sex (at least once a week, but the more the better) has a number of health benefits, especially for women.  The top six health reasons they give to encourage folks to have regular sex include:

    1. It Fights Colds and Flu. Sexual intercourse once or twice a week raises the body’s level of the immune-boosting antibody immunoglobin A by a third, according to research at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania.

    2. It’s a Beauty Treatment. In a study at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, a panel of judges viewed participants through a one-way mirror and guessed their ages. Those who looked seven to 12 years younger than their age (labeled "superyoung") were also enjoying lots of sex—four times a week, on average. OK, maybe they were having so much fun because they looked young. But it’s likely the sex was helping, researchers say. One reason is that it raises a woman’s estrogen level, which helps make hair shiny and skin supple.

    3. It Burns Calories. A little over four calories a minute, or the equivalent of four Hershey’s kisses in a half hour of love. Think of it as part of your weekly exercise regime, and burn, baby, burn.

    4. Yes, Honey, I Have a Headache. For a woman a migraine might actually be a reason for making love rather than avoiding intercourse: the increase in endorphins and corticosteroids during arousal and orgasm is analgesic.

    5. It Promotes Regular Menstrual Cycles. A series of studies by behavioral endocrinologist Winnifred Cutler and colleagues at Columbia and Stanford universities found that women who have intercourse at least weekly (except during their period) cycle more regularly than abstainers or the sporadically active. (Related research found that lesbian lovemaking also smoothes out menstrual cycles.) Cutler argues that intimacy is essential, not orgasms: "Regular exposure to a loving partner has extraordinary effects on health and well-being."

    6. It Can Prevent Accidents. Women use the muscles of the pelvic floor to stem the flow of urine. As they age, they need to keep these strong to avoid peeing accidentally. The same muscles are exercised during intercourse, and as with all muscle-building programs, the benefits require consistency.

Of course, a major benefit for regular sex . . . it certainly is an enjoyable experience.  We’ll save the social and bonding and other benefits for another post sometime.  In the meantime, go get healthy!

All the best,

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Brian David Phillips, PhD, CH []Certified Hypnotherapist
President, Society of Experiential Trance
Associate Professor, NCCU, Taipei, Taiwan